Pull for Peace Now!

  • By Artem V. Shamsutdinov
  • August 1st, 2024
  • Reworked 8/9/2024

As the wars rage and the Middle East is on the verge of a wider conflict there is hope for peace. Now more than ever it is time to pull for it.


In the next four months, two and a half million Sudanese could die of hunger-related causes. Urgent action to stop the war is needed NOW!

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan was subjected to a drone strike yesterday. Now the Swiss-brokered peace talks are at a risk of failure. But stopping the war is possible. The general dynamics of the situation in the region look favorable. The leadership of the UAE talked with the army leadership of Sudan. Ethiopia's leadership brokered the call. This is a very promising development given that Ethiopia is Sudan's long-time political and military rival and the UAE previously took an open-market stance on its arms sales. These could be early signs of a re-arrangement of regional ties in North East Africa and the Middle East. Once the external forces of the war in Sudan come to an agreement the chances for peace in the country will increase greatly.


The situation of the civilian population of Gaza is dire, little aid is making it in. Urgent action must be taken to allow increased flow of food, medicine, and basic necessities into the sector.

The peace talks stalled. As Israel special forces continue to assassinate Hamas leadership in an unwavering resolve to prevent any future Hamas terror attack, Iran is being drawn into the conflict. Turkey is also threatening intervention. Israeli leadership is set on achieving total victory in Gaza but there is also a great international push to achieve peace. Iran has been very wise in its responses to Israeli attacks so far and there certainly is hope that it will yet again demonstrate such wisdom now. The fact that Turkey is threatening military action and blocking NATO aid to Israel is putting additional pressure on Israel to allow to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza and initiate a ceasefire.


RAF continues to push the front line and with it the potential shelling and drone attacks away from the city of Donetsk. It is inflicting heavy losses on AFU with its outweighing arsenal and might. In turn AFU is trying to keep as much of its internationally recognized but now disputed territory as possible and reports inflicting heavy losses on RAF. At the same time, both sides have been slowly moving their peace-making positions closer to a solution that would be acceptable to NATO and to RF.

One long-term solution

In all three conflicts, the civilian population continues to suffer greatly. Progress appears to be blocked, in part due to the world waiting for the resolution of the political future of the USA, the center of the present global economic and security systems. It is difficult to make peace deals before knowing what the future position of the most influential region of the world will be. Difficult but not impossible.

Inter-regional balance

The imbalances in the changing world order and the confrontation of the reactionary and revolutionary forces are making it evident that strengthening All regional blocks is the way forward. Now more than ever we are closer to building co-lateral regional unification, without war causing hegemony of a leading constituent. Strengthening the positions of all parts of the world will lead to a stable balance of forces, where no one region can significantly destabilize any other one. It is an achievable scenario that fits the best interests of the world populations, the national elites, and the international economic elites.

It is possible

Africa is the key region of the world that all depend on, from South America to Southeast Asia. Unifying Africa may appear impossible but the upcoming technological developments will profoundly impact our ability to build transportation links, agricultural capacity, and industrial infrastructure. It will take significant time for African nations to unify but regional integration with strong internal transportation networks will become a reality sooner than we now think possible. And with more time the unyielding march of progress will enable cross-continental transportation and economic integration, making the "Africa Unite" dream a reality.

Yet, to separate Africa from the Middle East is to split sub-Saharan Africa away. Thus integration of the Arab peninsula with North East Africa is the way towards unlocking the key bridging potential of the Middle East & Afghanistan region. A way that has long-term prospects for inter-regional and eventually global conflict reduction and stability.

Possible starting NOW

The resolution of the war in Sudan will lead to greater integration and stability of the Red Sea/North East Africa region. The Middle East is now painfully going through a reduction of external influence, and the deadly risks of a regional escalation will lead to a drive for peace, despite any external drivers or internal divisions. Given the momentum before the Gaza war, when it is stopped there will be a push for greater regional integration.

The fate of Ukraine is now geographically set to being the borderlands between two regional blocks. Now is the time to focus on securing peace in the country, a peace that would be acceptable and even beneficial to both the West and the East.

Starting combat non-lethality

Outside of the EU-CIS conflict, we are seeing unprecedented cross-regional cooperation. It will drive forward the limitation of future conflicts. Combined with the steadily emerging, ubiquitous regional unity will help to pull us towards limiting combat lethality to the greatest possible extent. We are being given the perfect opportunity to lay the foundation of future rules of engagement. Without them, we are quickly approaching a world where autonomous swarms of drones dominate the battlefield. That is the path to the enslavement of humanity, at best by our ultra-elites. An even grimmer scenario is further enabled by the all-but-inevitable robotization of mining, logistics, and manufacturing. Until we achieve world peace non-lethal combat is the way forward.

No matter the perspective or the expectation of future developments we are at a cornerstone moment in history. Now is time to set the framework for limiting future conflicts, between regions and between countries within those regions. Lets get it done while achieving peace!
